![]() History of the Irish Naval Association 1992-2020 Please note:- Most of the Videos you view (when you click on the link) are Youtube presentations. The Videos only fill a small portion of the screen. If you wish to view the Video to fill your screen then click on the bottom right hand box on the video as displayed. Please also remember this is youtube so sometimes the Video will move to the next Video on Youtube and nothing to do with the INA so just click out of it and go back to this page |
and former and serving members of the Naval Service and An Slua Muiri were invited to attend a meeting with a view to revamping the Association
24th March 1992 Tragic details of the fatal night Click link to see his Memorial As no other Branches were functioning an Executive Council was setup With Former No Coy 2 An Slua Muiri O/C Lt. Cmdr Frank Lynch as President. It was further agreed that a Dublin Branch be officially formed resulting in Terry Cummins a serving Lieutenant in No 2 Coy An Slua Muiri as Chairman. Declan Pendred a serving CPO in No1 Coy An Slua Muiri was elected Vice Chairman. Paul Kellett ex Naval Service was elected Secretary and Michael Buckley ex Naval Service was elected Treasurer.
Following a number of meetings, sub-committees were established to pursue the aims of the Association, which are: -?
On the 25th May an active Branch of The Naval Association was established in Waterford, Retired O/C No 3 Coy An Slua Muiri Lt. Cdr. Michael Burke was Chairman, Mr.Pankart Secretaty, Serving CPO An Slua Muiri Tony Kennedy Treasurer, and Serving CPO An Slua Muiri Tony O'Halloran P.R.O |
March 1994 The Naval Association had its first goodwill visit to the Royal Naval Association at Holyhead. |
Great credit and thanks is due to Declan Pendred who designed the Naval Association Crest, Cap Badge, Tie, Naval Association Colours and also arranged with a local Clothing Supplier to have in stock all the necessary items to fully clothe our members, The Chairman urged all members to conform to the new code of dress i.e. Black Single Breast Blazer with INA pocket Crest, Dark Grey Slacks, White Shirt and INA Tie. Before closing the meeting the Secretary read a letter from Lt.Cdr.Mark Mellet (NS) requesting members of the association to assist the Navy with their Dublin Boat Push in aid of Disabled Sailing Club. It was agreed the Branch would help out and this would be conveyed to Lt.Cdr. Mellett |
At a meeting held on the 1st April 1993 the Secretary Paul Kellett informed the meeting he wished to step down as Secretary due to work committments. Following a discussion Terry Cummins stood down as Chairman and offered to take the position of Secretary. Following an election Declan Pendred was elected Chairman, Brian Keogh Vice Chairman, Terry Cummins Secretary, Michael Buckley Treasurer. Following the meeting Piaras O'Connor gave a 15 minute talk on his period in the Marine Service 1939-1946 and his early days in the Naval Service from 1946 onwards. |
October 1993 The Chairman Declan Pendred produced a mock-up of the Naval Association Colours which will be sponsored by Dublin Port and Docks. It was passed unanimously by the Dublin Branch members and the Executive Council that the Colours should be adopted as the Naval Association Colours.
Terry Cummins informed the meeting that he had held discussions withn the Group Officer Lt.John Leech with a view to gaining permission for our Branch to hold our meetings in Cathal Brugha Barracks. Lt.Leech discussed this with the Officer Commanding Cathal Brugha Barracks who had no objection to the Naval Association holding meetings in Cathal Brugha Barracks provided with could produce some form of Identification. Terry Cummins informed Lt.Leech that he would produce ID Cards for our members and also have a comprehensive list left at the main gate which will have our members Name, Address, Phone Number and Defence Force Number. A copy would also be given to the Cadre Staff.
Formal written Sanction was received from the O/C Cathal Brugha Barracks granting the Dublin Branch permission to hold our meeting in Cathal Brugha Barracks commencing on the 6th January 1994 |
4th August 1994 The Chairman told the meeting the mock-up of the Naval Association Colours has been submitted to the Chief Heralds Office. The Secretary Terry Cummins said he had received a phone call from Lt.Cdr Jack Hickey (NS) on behalf of the Naval Service 50th Anniversary Board who were organising a series of events to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the establishment of the Naval Service. Lt.Cdr Hickey said the committee would like the Naval Association to organise something in Dublin and it was suggested a Maritime Festival might be organised. This motion and request was but to the meeting and all were in favour of accepting the request. The Chairman said it was hoped that the Naval Association Colours sponsored and presented by Dublin Port would be available and presented sometime in November and that it might take place on board LE Eithne if possible. |
3rd October 1994 |
The Dublin Branch 50th anniversary steering committee held a meeting with representatives of the Naval Service, Dublin Port, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin Tourism, Dublin Corporation and a representative for Ruiri Quinn TD Minister for the Environment and outlined the Dublin Branch proposals for the Dublin Maritime Festival to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Naval Service. There was an excellent response and support from those in attendance |
![]() November 1994 Naval Association Colours are presented to our Association by the Harbour Master of Dublin Port on board the Naval Flagship LE Eithne. A Guard of Honour from the Naval Reserve under S/Lt Stephen Murphy, the Band from the Southern Command under Cmdt. Mark Armstrong and representatives from the Royal Naval Associations from Anglesey and Birkenhead added to the occasion. ....See Colours |
July 1995 The Secretary read a letter from the Executive Council in support of the Dublin Branch Proposal that Captain Fergus Britton (Dublin Port) would be made an Honorary Member in recognition of his contribution to the Naval Association |
5th October 1995 The membership of the Dublin Branch stands at 72. The first meeting of the Re-Vamped Cork Branch was also held on this date with Former Warrent Officer Michael Martin (NS) chairing the meeting in Cork. Following the meeing in Cork the following was elected:-
Michael Martin....Chairman |
January 1996 An Annaul Insurance was taken out to cover Public Liability and indemnify the Minister for Defence on any possibly claims while the Naval Association use the Army Barracks facilities. It was further agreed the Dublin Branch would pay the Annual Insurance and reimbursed by the Executive Council when funds were available |
![]() To publicise the forthcoming Dublin Maritime Festival The Naval Association paraded their new colours for the first time in the Boston St. Patrick?s Day Parade. This was at the invitation of Col. William Thorpy the US Military Attach?n Dublin and the American Ambassador to Ireland Mrs. Jean Kennedy Smith. Col.Thorpy organised Fort Devens in Boston as our base and provided 3 military transport including 3 US Army drivers during our stay. This also included a visit to WestPoint Military Academy. Of the 158 members of the Naval association who marched in the Boston St Patrick?s Day Parade 85 Officers, NCOs and Ratings marched in full Naval Uniform. The first time such a large number of Naval Personnel marched in uniform outside the state. Col Thorpey also organised that all the Naval Association would be accommodated in Fort Devens Military Base in Boston and that two Military Coaches would be at our disposal during our stay in the USA See Details
Banquet in Dublin Castle Guests included Mr. Bertie Ahern T.D. newly elected Leader of the Fianna Fail Party...
September 1996 Presentation of framed Naval Association Pendants to all those who supported and sponsored the Maritime Festival. This function was hosted in the Lord Mayor's Residence and was attended by the Lord Mayor of Dublin and many other dignitaries. |
September 1996 Following the extensive programme of events and the succes of the Dublin Maritime Festival, disappointment was expressed that the Naval Association received no invitation to attend the Defence Forces Parade to mark the 50th Anniversary of the ending of the Emergency on August 31st. The Secretary agreed to write to the Office of the Chief of Staff expressing our disappointment. on the 7th November an apology was received from the Assistent Chief of Staff Brig-Gen Pat Nowlan. |
Feb 1997 Terry Cummins as PRO briefed the meeting on the proposed trips and visits during 1997 which would include the following:-
March 1997 |
June 1997 |
July 1995 Waterford Branch announce their plans to organise a trip to San Diego in March 1998 |
August 1997 |
September 1997 |
![]() members of the Naval Association from Dublin and Waterford travelled to Miami in Florida and then on to the largest Naval Base in the USA at Coronado in San Diego. Our host at the Naval Base on St. Patrick?s Day was Admiral Veronica Froman the top female Admiral in the US Navy. (See visit to San Diego) |
June 1998 Naval Association Reception at the Dublin Lord Mayors Residence (The Mansion House). Present were The Lord Mayor, The US Ambassador Mrs.Jean Kennedy-Smith (sister of President Kennedy), The Flag Officer of the Naval Service Commodore John Kavanagh and Col. William Torpe (US Military Attach?and over 100 guests. A presentation was made to the US Ambassador and Col.Torpey in recognition of their contributions to the success of our visits to the United States. |
August 1998 A VHF Course for Naval Association members operating the communication for the upcoming Tall Ships visit was conducted by Tom kelly at the Port Centre. The Chairman reported that permission was granted by Commodore John Kavanagh F.O.C.N.S that, the presentation of the Chain of Office to the President of the Naval Association Piaras O'Connor, will take place in the Naval base on Sunday 6th September and a function to be held in the NCO's Mess Haulbowline on Saturday 5th September. The presentation will take place after Mass which will be celebrated by our Chaplin Fr. Des Campion
![]() Presentation of a Gold Chain of Office to our President Mr. Piaras O'Connor by Commodore John Kavanagh Flag Officer of the Naval service. The presentation took place at 1200 hrs on the main square of the Naval Base. It was also the 80th birthday of our President who was one of the first to join the new Marine Service set up at the outbreak of WW2. See....Here for pictures |
Some months prior to the Inauguration of the "Journey of Reconcilitation" the Naval Association helped Paddy Harte set-up the "Island of Ireland Peace Park" web site. As a thank you to our Association Paddy Harte included the Naval Association President Piaras O'Connor on the official guest list at the reception hosted by the Irish President Mary McAleese and to meet her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and HRH King of the Belgiums. 50 special places was reserved on the VIP stand for the members of the Irish Naval Association attending
the Inauguration. |
March 1999 |
![]() May 1999 50 members paid a weeklong visit to the D-Day Landing sites at Normandy and the United States, British and German War Cemeteries. See Normandy visit |
![]() 48 of our members travelled to the Battle Sites of WW1 once again to find the graves of the relatives of our members who died in the Great War. This took our party to Ypres, Theipval and again to Messiness to visit the Peace Park where our President laid a wreath at both the Peace Tower and the grave of Major William Redmond. See details Here are more Pictures |
1st July 2000 Return trip to cruise the river Shannon for one week. |
![]() 17th-24th September 2000
8 day visit by coach to Paris and St. Malo France....See...details
September 2001, 59 of our members travelled to Italy visiting Venice, Verona, Florence, Pisa, Lake Garda and then 7 days at the Irish College and a special visit and Mass at the Vatican and Audience with Pope John Paul 2. |
![]() 28 members of The Irish Naval Association were guests of the Birkenhead Branch of the Royal Naval Association. This was the second invitation for our members to participate in the annual parade and memorial service, the celebrant was Revd. John Williams M.B.E. The salute was taken by Cmdr. Henry Harley, and Captain Colin Lee, also invited to take the salute was Lt.Cdr Frank Lynch (vice-President of the Irish Naval Association). See .. Here..for pictures. |
![]() Unveiling of a stained glass window by The Irish Prime Minister, An Taoiseach Mr. Bertie Ahearn T.D. at the Garrison Church, Cathal Brugha Barracks. The window was commissioned by The Naval Association in memory of the deceased members of The Marine Service (1939-1946), The Maritime Inscription (1939-1947), The Naval Service, and An Slua Muiri (now renamed The Naval Service Reserve) See details
click here
In 2002 our Association took 10 Cruisers down the Shannon for 7 days. |
See:- Here for details |
2006 started a sad year with the Tsunami disaster. The Naval Association raised over ?2000 for the Red Cross appeal. In February the Flag Ship of the Navy L.E. Eithne travelled on its longest Journey ever to Argentina. Once again the Naval Association raised over ?2000 to donate to the fund set up by LE Eithne to assist the poor in Argentina. |
May 2006 ...See.....Details
Dont forget to click bottom right hand corner of the Utube window to get full screen and bottom right hand coirner again for small size window.
![]() March 7th 2007 (Wednesday)Visit to Nautical College in Cork. Guided tour of College followed by lunch at the Naval Base and a tour of the Base. See ...Details.. |
September 8th 2007 7 days trip on River Shannon on 10 Cruisers See for Details
December 7th 2007 3 nights stay at the Granville Hotel. All en-suite. Saturday Afternoon tour of Waterford Crystal followed in the evening by our Christmas dinner and dance at the Granville Hotel. Music by Tommy Carroll. December 9th (Sunday) Waterford Annual Mass for deceased members of the Naval Association. Music at the Barrack Street Band will provide the Mass. Following the Mass Waterford will host a reception at the GAA Club when, Following Lunch at the Club, music was provided by Dick Quinn on Keyboard.
May 2008![]() 164 members of the Naval Association took their First Cruise on the Mediterranean.
May 2009 74 members of the Naval Association took their second Cruise this time up from Venice to Croatia and down to the Acropolis. See.. Details...
December 2010![]() Presentation dinner in the Mansion house to honour Commodore Frank Lynch who retired from the Naval Service on the 17th December 2010 |
May 2011![]() 67 members of the Naval Association took their third Cruise this time up the Norwegian Fjords. See.. Details... |
September 2011![]()
April 2012
4o members of the Naval Association attended the Royal Naval Association Annual Re-Union in Manchester. |
May 26th/27th 2012![]() 145 members and guests of the Naval Association attended a Black Tie Dinner at at the D Hotel in Drogheda as part of the commemoration and Plaque unveiling by President Michael D Higgins to L/S Michael Quinn DSM |
March 9th 2014![]() The President of the Irish Naval Association Mr. Declan Pendred, unveiled a memorial at the Garrison Church, Cathal Brugha Barracks, Dublin, on the 9th March 2014. The memorial is dedicated to honour and salute those who served in the:-
See a Powerpoint presentation with music added in memory of our deceased members Also see Photo's of.....Deceased Members
It was a sad occasion for our group while heading to our coach to take us back to our Hotel on the Friday night following an excellent nights entertainment
our colleague Jack English collapsed as he entered the Bus. Despite every effort by the RNA experienced medical staff it was too late to save Jack and he was dead by the time the Ambulance arrived
June 19th/22th 2015
![]() As an added bonus the Grand Burstin Hotel provided a coach on Saturday for a free days trip to France for those who would like to go shopping and sight-seeing in France. |
Sept 2015
![]() Once again the Royal Naval Association invited the Irish Naval Association to participate and march with the RNA in their Bi-Annual Parade to the Cenotaph War Memorial in London. In our photo is Commodore Mark Slawson who welcomed our group prior to the parade. Our President Declan Pendred was invited by the RNA to lay a wreath at the Cenotaph on behalf of the Irish Naval Association. |
October 2015
![]() It was also the weekend of the Dingle Food Festival. For 4 hours on the Saturday afternoon 8 members of the Naval Association collected ?2,500 for the RNLI |
![]() 31 members of the Irish Naval Association including Wives and Partners were invited to participate in the Saint Patrick's Day festivities in Bally David and Ballyferriter Co. Kerry.According toi the Kerry Live Magazine the Irish Naval Association was involved in a World Premier by parading at Midnight the first Saint Patricks Day Parade in Ireland 2016 See some Photo's ...Video's.... |
![]() President of the Irish Naval Association Bryan Gildea gives his report on the activities during 2017 Click this link National Day of Commemoration 2020
Vice President Mike Hynes Report on Limerick Branch attendance at bastille Day Ceremony in Limerick |